Sean Paul Reyes: Net Worth, Career Highlights, and Financial Journey

Sean Paul Reyes is a recognizable name in the domain of American activism and analytical news-casting. Known as “The Long Island Examiner,” Reyes has enthralled crowds with his YouTube channel, where he directs First Correction reviews and considers public representatives responsible. With a total Net Worth of $10 million, his excursion from a social and well-disposed youngster to a noticeable figure in web-based media reflects devotion, legitimacy, and a resolute obligation to truth and equity. Go along with us as we disentangle the rousing story of Sean Paul Reyes, an encouraging sign in the present steadily developing computerized scene.

Who is Sean Paul Reyes?


Sean Paul Reyes is a YouTuber and extremist devoted to the Principal Correction examining the local area. These examiners record their collaborations with public authorities and cops to guarantee that established privileges are regarded. Reyes runs the YouTube channel “Long Island Review,” where he shares his experiences, upholding straightforwardness and responsibility in policing government establishments. His recordings much of the time catch associations in broad daylight spaces, government structures, and police headquarters, highlighting pivotal issues connected with common freedoms and the right to speak freely of discourse. Through his work, Reyes expects to advance a more profound comprehension of these key privileges and the significance of safeguarding them.

Sean Paul Reyes Education

Sean Paul Reyes went to the John Jay School of Law Enforcement in New York, where he concentrated on law enforcement and policing. His schooling essentially formed how he might interpret lawful and protected matters, which he presently uses in his Most memorable Change reviewing work. This foundation furnishes him with the information and abilities to advocate for straightforwardness and responsibility in policing government organizations successfully.

Sean Paul Reyes Early Life


Sean Paul Reyes had a euphoric youth, loaded up with loved ones. He cherished investing energy with friends and family and investigating his inclinations. TV started his interest, establishing the groundwork for his future undertakings. His family assumed a pivotal part in deeply shaping his life and cultivating serious areas of strength that kept on rousing him. Together, they left on vital excursions, making treasured encounters and fortifying their associations. These early impacts imparted Reyes a feeling of validness, interest, and a profound appreciation for family and experience.

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Sean Paul Reyes Career

Sean Paul Reyes has fabricated a momentous vocation as an extremist, columnist, and online media character. Driving his eminent YouTube channel, “The Long Island Evaluator,” he directs First Change reviews and considers public workers responsible, earning a significant following. Reyes’ devotion to legitimacy and trustworthiness has pushed him to turn into a noticeable voice in friendly and political talk. His profession features adaptability, from established activism to YouTube content creation, making a permanent imprint on each field he wanders into. He has procured the trust of a worldwide crowd, cementing his situation as a regarded figure in reporting and online media. His obligation to truth and equity stretches out past monetary achievement, rousing change and driving significant discussions on friendly and policy-centered issues. Sean Paul Reyes keeps on causing disturbances, leaving a getting-through heritage in the advanced scene and motivating ages to go to bat for common decency.


Sean Paul Reyes encountered a critical forward leap with the foundation of his famous YouTube channel, @LongIslandAudit. Through this stage, he voiced concerns, shared insightful experiences, and drew in a wide crowd on friendly and political issues. Reyes’ smart announcing and enduring honesty acquired trust inside the web-based local area, driving him to noticeable quality in reporting and online media. His obligation to genuineness and truth separates him, making him a regarded figure in the domain of virtual entertainment. Reyes’ commitment to conveying precise data and resolving complex issues head-on has gathered a significant following and set his situation as a main voice in activism.

Sean Paul Reyes Personal Life and Relationships

In Sean Paul Reyes’ own life, love and association sparkle splendidly. He is joyfully hitched to his darling spouse, Jodi, who fills in as a mainstay of help and support in his excursion. Together, they explore life’s difficulties and demonstrate that affection and fortitude can conquer any deterrent. Their persevering bond adds profundity to Reyes’ persona, displaying him as a powerhouse as well as an individual with significant associations. In the midst of his expert interests, Reyes focuses on family time and treasures minutes enjoyed with friends and family. Whether setting out on undertakings or getting a charge out of calm nights at home, he tracks down euphoria in the straightforward joys of life. Through his obligation to his connections, Reyes epitomizes the significance of sustaining associations and tracking down balance in the midst of the buzzing about of regular day-to-day existence.

Sean Paul Reyes Achievements

Sean Paul Reyes has accomplished huge achievements all through his vocation, laying down a good foundation for himself as a prominent figure in activism and news coverage. As a steadfast safeguard of the Principal Change, Reyes utilizes his foundation to reveal insight into occasions of treachery and bureaucratic power-grabbing, procuring acknowledgment as a compelling extremist. Through his YouTube channel, Long Island Review, Reyes has amassed north of 500,000 supporters and a huge number of perspectives, establishing his effect in the computerized domain. Past his web-based presence, Reyes has been engaged with a few claims connected with his activism, including a new body of evidence against the NYPD for unjustified detainment and infringement of his entitlement to film. These fights in court highlight his obligation to maintain truth and equity, further hardening his standing as a committed advocate. Sean Paul Reyes’ accomplishments act as a demonstration of his steady devotion to his causes, moving others to defend their convictions and have an effect on the planet..

Sean Paul Reyes YouTube


The essential kind of revenue for Sean Paul Reyes is his YouTube channel, Long Island Review, where he transfers recordings of his reviews in different public spots, for example, police headquarters, town halls, city lobbies, and mail depots. Reyes’ recordings are instructive as well as engaging and locking in. He utilizes humor, mockery, and mind to challenge and defy authorities who abuse his freedoms or the law. Furthermore, he shows sympathy and compassion to the people who support him or offer their accounts with him, making areas of strength for a his crowd. Through his exceptional methodology, Reyes has constructed an unwavering following and secured himself as a conspicuous figure in the domain of online activism.


  • YouTube Channel: Sean Paul Reyes operates the YouTube channel “Long Island Audit.”
  • Activism: He is a prominent figure in the First Amendment auditing community, focusing on civil liberties and transparency.
  • Education: Reyes attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, studying criminal justice and law


Q1: Who is Sean Paul Reyes?
A1: Sean Paul Reyes is a YouTuber and activist known for his First Amendment auditing work, advocating for transparency and accountability within law enforcement and government institutions.

Q2: What is First Amendment auditing?
A2: First Amendment auditing involves recording interactions with public officials and police officers to ensure that constitutional rights, particularly those related to freedom of speech and civil liberties, are being upheld.

Q3: What is the name of Sean Paul Reyes’ YouTube channel?
A3: Sean Paul Reyes operates the YouTube channel “Long Island Audit.”

Q4: What kind of content does “Long Island Audit” feature?
A4: The channel features videos of Sean Paul Reyes’ interactions with law enforcement and public officials, primarily focusing on issues of transparency, accountability, and the protection of constitutional rights.

Q5: Where did Sean Paul Reyes study?
A5: Sean Paul Reyes attended John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, where he studied criminal justice and law enforcement.


 Sean Paul Reyes is a dedicated activist and YouTuber who has made significant strides in advocating for transparency and accountability through his First Amendment auditing work. With a solid educational background in criminal justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Reyes leverages his knowledge to highlight and address issues related to civil liberties and constitutional rights. His YouTube channel, “Long Island Audit,” serves as a platform to educate the public and promote the importance of protecting individual freedoms in interactions with law enforcement and government officials.

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